Peggy Huang

Councilmember Huang was first elected to the Yorba Linda City Council in 2014, and reelected in 2018. She worked in the California State Senate and focused on child welfare, elderly care, welfare, food stamps, and the CALFED Bay-Delta project, which involved restoring the Bay-Delta ecosystem and water storage and delivery. Presently, Councilmember Huang is a Deputy Attorney General in the Office of the Attorney General, Criminal Appeals, Trial, and Writs section. As a trial attorney, she prosecuted individuals who abused and neglected clients in facilities licensed by the California Department of Social Services and represented foster children in juvenile court. She was involved in two bills signed into law that protected abused and neglected children. Councilmember Huang holds leadership positions on a number of boards and agencies including Chair of the Transportation Corridor Agencies Foothill Eastern Board, Vice President of the Orange County Mosquito Vector Control District, Regional Council of Southern California Association of Governments, and alternate on Local Agency Formation Commission. She is also a candidate for Orange County Superior Court Judge Seat #30 in the June primary.