Susan Chang

CEO, Life Steps Foundation
As the CEO of Life Steps Foundation, Susan Chang oversees Life Steps program locations in Southern California, Northern California, and the Central Coast. These include programs designed for children and adults with developmental disabilities, as well as an adult day health care center for seniors in the Central Coast. She joined Life Steps more than two decades ago. Her dedication and professional acumen propelled her into positions of greater responsibility within Life Steps as she ascended steadily to executive management positions. In 2008, Ms. Chang became the Chief Executive Officer of Life Steps Foundation’s Children and Family Services affiliate. In that capacity, she oversaw award-winning infant in-home projects and infant toddler inclusive center-based programs. Ms. Chang earned a Master of Science in Early Childhood Education from Madison University, Gulfport, Mississippi in 2005, and completed 44 units of the Master Program in Child Development at California State University, Los Angeles. She has also studied music at Fullerton College. In 1992, Ms. Chang graduated Fu-Jen Catholic University in Taipei, Taiwan, with a Bachelor of Science in Applied Life Science, emphasizing Child Development. Before immigrating to the United States and joining Life Steps Foundation, Ms. Chang taught preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school in Taipei.